ContainerControl's contained controls

I do not know if this is a bug or this is what should happen but this code:[code] Dim item As RectControl
Dim newTop As Integer

’ Move Top
’ Set all LockBottom back to original value
For ctr As Integer = 0 To Me.Window.ControlCount-1
If Me.Window.Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then
item = RectControl(Me.Window.Control(ctr))

  If MoveControl(item) And Not (item Is Me) Then
    newTop = item.Top + adjust
    item.Top = newTop
    item.LockBottom = thisControl(ctr)
  End If
End If


‘Me.Window’ only seems to work with windows but it does not seem to work with ContainerControls. How would I go about getting the ContainerControl if the parent of the control is a ContainerControl and if it is a window then it should find the window. So basically I am trying to get the parent whether it is a window or a ContainerControl. Thanks in advance.

For ctr As Integer = 0 To ControlCount-1 // no need for Me.Window. in front of ControlCount If Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then // same here ... // now includes ContainerControls (as EmbeddedWindowControl, a subclass of Canvas)

If you want to treat ContainerControls separately do this:

For ctr As Integer = 0 To ControlCount-1 If Control(ctr) IsA EmbeddedWindowControl Then ... // handle ContainerControls here ElseIf Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then ...// handle RectControls here

[quote=28585:@Lukas Joerg]For ctr As Integer = 0 To ControlCount-1 // no need for Me.Window. in front of ControlCount If Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then // same here ... // now includes ContainerControls (as EmbeddedWindowControl, a subclass of Canvas)

If you want to treat ContainerControls separately do this:

For ctr As Integer = 0 To ControlCount-1 If Control(ctr) IsA EmbeddedWindowControl Then ... // handle ContainerControls here ElseIf Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then ...// handle RectControls here [/quote]
Thanks. If this works then that is excellent. :slight_smile:

[quote=28585:@Lukas Joerg]For ctr As Integer = 0 To ControlCount-1 // no need for Me.Window. in front of ControlCount If Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then // same here ... // now includes ContainerControls (as EmbeddedWindowControl, a subclass of Canvas)

If you want to treat ContainerControls separately do this:

For ctr As Integer = 0 To ControlCount-1 If Control(ctr) IsA EmbeddedWindowControl Then ... // handle ContainerControls here ElseIf Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then ...// handle RectControls here [/quote]

[quote=28585:@Lukas Joerg]For ctr As Integer = 0 To ControlCount-1 // no need for Me.Window. in front of ControlCount If Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then // same here ... // now includes ContainerControls (as EmbeddedWindowControl, a subclass of Canvas)

If you want to treat ContainerControls separately do this:

For ctr As Integer = 0 To ControlCount-1 If Control(ctr) IsA EmbeddedWindowControl Then ... // handle ContainerControls here ElseIf Control(ctr) IsA RectControl Then ...// handle RectControls here [/quote]
I do not think you understand what I am trying to achieve. I am not searching for ContainerControls. But I am searching for RectControls from within a ContainerControl but Me.Window does not seem to handle ContainerControls. Thanks in advance.

I don’t understand why you insist on using Me.Window instead of Self.Window (which can be shortened to Window - which was my suggestion in my answer). Self.Window will always work, Me.Window only if Me is a RectControl.

But should you have a hierarchy of ContainerControls (ContainerControl on top of another one ), you have to use TrueWindow instead of Window.

[quote=28660:@Lukas Joerg]I don’t understand why you insist on using Me.Window instead of Self.Window (which can be shortened to Window - which was my suggestion in my answer). Self.Window will always work, Me.Window only if Me is a RectControl.

But should you have a hierarchy of ContainerControls (ContainerControl on top of another one ), you have to use TrueWindow instead of Window.[/quote]
Thanks. The code is not mine so I do not know know why the coder did not write that. I am very grateful that you took part in this discussion. Thanks lots.

[quote=28660:@Lukas Joerg]I don’t understand why you insist on using Me.Window instead of Self.Window (which can be shortened to Window - which was my suggestion in my answer). Self.Window will always work, Me.Window only if Me is a RectControl.

But should you have a hierarchy of ContainerControls (ContainerControl on top of another one ), you have to use TrueWindow instead of Window.[/quote]
It does not seem to work. Do you realise I am trying to access the Container of a control from within the code of a class.

Well, in your code you using the Me keyword, which indicates that the code is running in an event handler of some control in a window. You can use Me in other places (it will refer to Self then), but for clarity I’m never using Me outside of an event handler and I also would recommend that to anybody else.

What do you mean by “… from within the code of a class.”

[quote=30490:@Lukas Joerg]Well, in your code you using the Me keyword, which indicates that the code is running in an event handler of some control in a window. You can use Me in other places (it will refer to Self then), but for clarity I’m never using Me outside of an event handler and I also would recommend that to anybody else.

What do you mean by “… from within the code of a class.”[/quote]
I checked the docs. And no I can distinguish between me and self, i think. So what do I write instead of ‘Me.Window’. For example ‘Me.ContainerControl’ (if that would apply to any kind of containercontrol, from tabpanel, pagepanel, window, to just a normal ‘ContainerControl’), ‘Me.Parent’.

Thanks lots. Good day.

What do you mean by “… from within the code of a class.”

You have code from within the separate instances of a class in windows that you place them in. And you have the main code.

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by that.

The code is located in the code editor for the class, rather than the instance of the class, placed on the window.

The code is located in the code editor for the class, rather than the code for the instance of the class, placed on the window.

I searched through the docs to find something about taking into acount the distance of the containercontrol from the window’s edge. I think that might help me. Thankyou.