ContainerControl Array

Hi Everyone.

I Am a little stuck creating a ContainerControl Array. I Want to create multiple instances of a ContainerControl block dynamically.

I can create multiple instances by repeating the code but I don’t know how many instances I will need at different states of execution.

  Dim buttonContainer2 As new ContainerControl1
  Dim buttonContainer3 As new ContainerControl1

If I attempt to do an Array: (it fails with an OutOfBoundsException)

  Dim buttonContainer1() As ContainerControl1

Any advice would be appreciated.

You need to append a container control to the array. Right now there is just an empty array
Dim cc() As containercontrol1
Dim myCC as New containercontrol1
cc.Append myCC

Thanks for the advice. When I run the new code it only creates the first instance.

  Dim bcA() As ContainerControl1
  Dim bcI As New ContainerControl1
  bcA.append bcI
  bcA(0).EmbedWithin(Self,10,10,bcI.Width,bcI.Height) 'The only instance created on the page
  bcA.append bcI
  bcA.append bcI

Event though you’ve appended it to the array 3 times, you’ve only created one instance. You’ll need to create 3 separate instances.

Thanks Paul. Is there no other way you can do this? If I want 20 instances maximum I must create it 20 times?

  Dim bcA() As ContainerControl1
  Dim bcI As New ContainerControl1
  Dim bcI2 As New ContainerControl1
  Dim bcI3 As New ContainerControl1
  bcA.append bcI
  bcA.append bcI2
  bcA.append bcI3

Just loop
While Ubound(bca) < 19
Dim b As new cc
bca.Append b

Sure, but you don’t have to create them separately like that. A For loop is a good way to reduce repeating code:

Dim containers As ContainerControl1 For i As Integer = 0 To 19 Dim c As New ContainerControl1 c.EmbedWith(Self, 10, i * c.Height + 10, c.Width, c.Height) containers.Append(c) Next

@Paul Lefebvre and @Jym Morton … Thanks for your input. Much appreciated. :slight_smile:

For the sake of completion. Here is my final piece of experimental code.

  Dim containers() As ContainerControl1
  for i as integer = 0 to 19
    Dim c As New ContainerControl1
    'Set properties = i
    Select Case i
    Case 0
      c.shellcmd = "dir"
    Case 1
      c.shellcmd = "dir/w"
    Case 2
      c.shellcmd = "ipconfig"
    Case 3
      c.shellcmd = "ver"
    Case 4
      c.shellcmd = "time/t"
    Case 5
      c.shellcmd = "date/t"
    Case 6
      c.shellcmd = "wmic cpu get name"
    Case 7
      c.shellcmd = "regedit"
    Case 8
      c.shellcmd = "ver"
    Case 9
      c.shellcmd = "ipconfig"
      c.shellcmd = "dir"
    End Select
    c.btnCommand.Caption = c.shellcmd

I’d make a string array of your text first then just use i to access it
Dim myShells() as String = Array(“dir”, “dir/w” … )
for i As integer = 0 to 19
Dim c As New ContainerControl1
c.Shellcmd = myShells(i)
c.btnCommand.Caption = c.shellcmd
Next i

@Jym Morton Thanks. It works like charm :wink:

I Just modified the FOR statement to count up to the last entry in the Array.

  Dim containers() As ContainerControl1
  Dim shellCommands() As String = Array("dir","dir/w","ipconfig","ver","time/t","date/t","wmic cpu get name")
  for i as integer = 0 to shellCommands.Ubound
    Dim c As New ContainerControl1
    containers.Append(c) = i
    c.shellcmd = shellCommands(i)
    c.btnCommand.Caption = shellCommands(i)

A good habit is to assign upper limit of the FOR to a variable because sometimes there’s math and you don’t want to calculate it on every loop
dim UpperLimit As Integer = shellcommands.Ubound
Like in a listbox upperlimit would be (ListCount - 1) I don’t know if it needs to calculate Ubound each time or if it becomes a static property of the array.
for i As Integer = 0 to UpperLimit

I subclass a containerControl and call it containerlist, I add a few methods to add a container to the list/remove etc… and it does all the work of placing the containers at the proper height etc… It might be a helpful design pattern for you

Sounds interesting. Thanks :slight_smile: