Contact Info
Name: Andy Frankland
Company: Modu-Survey
Phone: +65 96167908
Location: Singapore / SE Asia
Platform: Windows
Interested in contacting a developer to see if Xojo is suitable for developing an (offline) field equipment inspection program. Will be run by freelancers from their laptop with no internet connection and needs to be secure to avoid using the program by non-authorized users / projects. Once a secure internet connection is available the inspection report will be synced back to our office.
Our check list data is currently developed and updated in Excel and for the inspection we use a purely manual process for reporting in Word. We develop customized check lists specific for client needs (in Excel as it is the easiest) so some sort of importing of excel sheets (or we can look at a simple database) into Xojo will be required. We have a specific spreadsheet layout which will not change, only the data will be different. There will be a number of different check lists for different types of inspections. A typical inspection would have around 3,500 check line items. Looking at the multitude of field inspection apps that are already available they are mainly designed for mobile devices and have limited storage and offline functionality, so are not suitable for our use.
For design examples we can give some design ideas in Figma and also have an old working program (we dont have the original code) we used many years ago done in WPF (good concept and design but it was a bit buggy).
Main interest is to know if Xojo is suitable to develop this type of program or if we need to look elsewhere.
We are based in Singapore but are used to working / collaborating in different time zones.