Compressed Inspector

I just noticed the new more compressed look of the Inspector in R2 (Feedback #24339). Very nice, many of the controls now fit on one screen of my 1920x1200 monitor in Windows and don’t even show the scroll bar. The division lines are longer and better separate the sections as well, nice work! The only thing I think could be improved is the “locking” section takes up way too much room for the functionality it gives you, seems like the miniature window could be a smaller and still convey exactly what it does.

A lot of folks complained about the space the inspector took up
I think very few noticed the change :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=110840:@Norman Palardy]A lot of folks complained about the space the inspector took up
I think very few noticed the change :P[/quote]
I bet they’d notice if it was changed back :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably but the sticks hurt :slight_smile:

[quote=110840:@Norman Palardy]A lot of folks complained about the space the inspector took up
I think very few noticed the change :P[/quote]

I did as I work on a MB Air… Saying that it never really bothered me, scrolling is not that hard

Norman… I noticed… :slight_smile:

Just the nature of the job
Folks are vocal as heck if things are off by a little or a lot.
Quiet when they’re exactly right - they just find something else to complain about :stuck_out_tongue:

I tend to agree the locking indicator could be smaller.
The animations helped a bit - though they had to get turned off for a bit as they used The Ever Evil DoEvents™ so they need a bit of rework to NOT use do events

I noticed, that the page isn’ changeing every time, you move to another control.
If you want to change the size of the text, you stay on the second page. Formaly it always changed to page 1 of the inspector.
That I find good.

WE DO REALISE! But we do not have time to say what is good, because it doesn’t need change. We rather say what is not good, makes more sense. :slight_smile:

[quote=110874:@Norman Palardy]Just the nature of the job
Folks are vocal as heck if things are off by a little or a lot.
Quiet when they’re exactly right - they just find something else to complain about :P[/quote]

Norman, I am grateful for all improvements, and never take them for granted. Thank you :slight_smile: