complex number iterations

Hello, I’m doing a project and we are trying to find out how to have our number as a complex number to do an iteration, but without using a plugin as we are using school computers. Is there any way?
Thank You :slight_smile:

The only way without plugins would be creating your own class.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

Have u taken a look at Bob Delaney’s work?

It’s a plugin, but it’s free.

[quote=309552:@Mathias Maes]The only way without plugins would be creating your own class.

Correct me if I’m wrong.[/quote]

[quote=309589:@LangueR]Have u taken a look at Bob Delaney’s work?

It’s a plugin, but it’s free.[/quote]

hi thank you for your answers! we’ve found the answer, in case anyone else is wondering how to do this: in a complex number iteration (eg julia set or mandelbrot set) you dont need to define the complex number as a complex number to show which numbers diverge against 0 or not, you can work with the imaginary and real part in order to go around it without using a plugin.