i have four different Double Properties (a, b, c, d) and want to check if each one of them has the same Value. How can I do this without a large If…Then Statement?
i have four different Double Properties (a, b, c, d) and want to check if each one of them has the same Value. How can I do this without a large If…Then Statement?
[quote=414722:@Karen Atkocius]Select Case a
Case b,c,d
’ code if they are the same
End Select[/quote]
that will only be true if A=B OR A=C OR a=D… but not AND
not to mention the inherent precision of a DOUBLE
if (A=B) AND (B=C) and (C=D) would be more accurate
[quote=414724:@Dave S]that will only be true if A=B OR A=C OR a=D… but not AND
not to mention the inherent precision of a DOUBLE
if (A=B) AND (B=C) and (C=D) would be more accurate[/quote]
True… My mistake… Still tired from shoveling heavy wet snow this morning
uh… Whats that? [ducking]
You should use the Equals function for comparing singles and doubles - see http://documentation.xojo.com/api/code_execution/equals.html