Combo box question

Hello all,

I am using a combo box to show a selection of zone hours. On open it is populated like this

  Dim s As String
  Dim i, last As Integer = 0
  Dim t as String 
  Dim Result As Integer = App.eHours.GetAll
  If Result > 0 Then 
    Do Until App.eHours.RsHours.EOF
      If t <> App.eHours.ZoneName Then 
        t = App.eHours.ZoneName
        s = s +  Cstr(App.eHours.Zone) + " - " + t + ","
      End If
    s = "-1 - Business Hours,"
    For i = 0 to 20
      If i = 0 then
        s = s + Cstr(i) + " - Standard Hours," 
      Elseif i = 1 then
        s = s +  Cstr(i) + " - 24 Hours,"
        s = s +  Cstr(i) 
      End if
    Next i
  End If
  last = CountFields(s,",")
  For i = 1 To last
    Me.AddRow(NthField(s, ",", i))
  Me.ListIndex = 0

What it looks like is a number(zone) and a name for the zone (standard hours) with “-” in the middle 0 - Standard Hours. When the user clicks the down arrow, all available zone hours appear as described. When the user selects the one they want, I want to show only the zone number in this box. The name is populated elsewhere.

I tried in the Change event this code, but it does not work correctly.

  Dim Nme As String
  Dim s As String = Trim(Mid(Me.text, 1, 2))
  If IsNumeric(s) = True Then
    Dim Result As Integer = App.eHours.getAllZone(Val(s))
    If Result > 0  Then
      If App.eHours.ZoneName <> "" Then Nme = App.eHours.ZoneName
      Result = Val(s)
      If Result = -1 Then Nme = "Business Hours"
      If Result = 0 Then  Nme = "Standard Hours"
      If Result =1 Then Nme = "24 Hours"
    End If
  End If
  fldZoneName.Text = Nme
  Me.Text = S

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? In the old RS it worked but not anymore.
