Color code prefixes??

Whilst using Xojo I have seen color codes using the following syntax:

rgb(65%, 48%, 23%)

How many other different color prefixes / suffixes are there used in developing (any language)???
Examples would be appreciated, as I have searched for “color code prefixes” and nothing relevant was displayed???

Thank you all in advance.


&cRRGGBB //Introduced 5.0 &cRRGGBBAA //Introduced 2011r4 RGB(red, green, blue, [alpha = 0]) CMY(cyan, magenta, yellow [, alpha = 0]) HSV(hue, saturation, value [, alpha = 0])

Thanks Bob.
I am also interested in any other prefixes for other languages, if anyone knows of any others :wink:

Thank you.

&b for binary, &h for hex, &o for octal.

RGB(red, green, blue, [alpha = 0])
CMY(cyan, magenta, yellow [, alpha = 0])
HSV(hue, saturation, value [, alpha = 0])

these are really not “prefixes” as they are in fact Functions…