Cocoa extending from 5 item in combo to more item

i was reading on the forum regarding extending the number of item in the drop down from 5 in cocoa to any number using some cocoa declare.
I cannot seem to find the conversation anywhere in the forum now.

I think this is it:

Also related is Case 28230

i remember seeing some codes … so not the one you refer to… thank anyway jason.

It’s in the release notes for r3b4.

thanks frederick… i see it now… hahaha

anyone know how to use the declare?? where do i put this code and how do i pass the number say 20 item??

Declare Sub setNumberOfVisibleItems Lib “AppKit” selector “setNumberOfVisibleItems:” ( controlHandle As Integer, count As Integer )

It looks like after you declare it that you call it with the parameters ComboBox.Handle and 20. That will give you the max of twenty items you want. Where to call it is a good question, perhaps in the Open event of the ComboBox.

it work thank… frederick

On the Open Event of my combo,

  Declare Sub setNumberOfVisibleItems Lib "AppKit" selector "setNumberOfVisibleItems:" ( controlHandle As Integer, count As Integer )
  Call setNumberOfVisibleItems(Medium.Handle,12)