Cluttered 64bit Builds folder

When I build an application for 32bit the Builds folder contains the compiled program and the corresponding Libs folder. Perfectly OK.
When I build the same application for 64 bit the Builds folder contains 6 additional .dll files in addition to the compiled program and the corresponding Libs folder. Is there any reason why those 6 .dll files couldn’t be included in the Libs folder or at least be put together in a “Libs64” folder. It would make the folder where the application lives less cluttered.

If they could have been they would have been
They cant
So they aren’t

It has to do with how the OS finds DLLs. More information is in the 64-bit Guidelines doc (Building Notes, Windows section).

Thanks Norman,
This is easily the most poetic reply I have ever received on a forum.

Thanks for the reference. Very illuminating