Cloud having issues?

Just signed up to cloud a few days ago.
But its crashing on me.
Is there support to handle this stuff?

Never had this happen before

Is it crashing while trying to deploy? If so I would make sure you are logged into the website in your browser before trying to deploy. I have found this to lessen the times it crashes during deployment.

Tried that. I saw ram usage at 100%

The app is just a button but I tried it with just a blank form…

I would also save your project right before deploying.

Yeah. Now it shows ram and disk at 100%

Xojo Cloud Control Panel

Have you tried restarting your server from the Control Panel?

Yes i tried that

Thanks but it seems to be a server issue

[quote=466509:@Steve Koger]Xojo Cloud Control Panel

Have you tried restarting your server from the Control Panel?[/quote]

Thanks Steve for trying. I am trying to see if xojo can handle hosting the way that I am used to(that it works). Support is important for me and my clients.

just wanted to say thank you for helping.