CIFilters available …

… in a better form now in for iOS and OS X.
Their usage is in general:

Dim f as new AppleCI*nameoftheCIFIlter" (inputParameters)


Dim f as new AppleCIGaussianBlurFilter(pic, 15)

You retrieve the resulting image the easiest way by addressing

f.outputCIImage (as AppleCIImage)

or if you need an NSImage/UIImage:

f.outputImage (as AppleImage)

Both have a toPicture/toiOSImage method that converts their content to a platform’s picture. Where the filter generates an endless image rather, you should use the AppleImage conversion. macLib has a few convenience methods in a module that do all the conversions, like

  dim t as text = "What an amazing easy method to create QR Codes directly from Text and AppleURL."
  dim pic as picture = t.GenerateQRCode(AppleCIQRCodeGenerator.QRCorrectionLevels.Medium, me.width, self.ScaleFactor)

Included are all the blur, sharpen, gradient, distortion and color adjustment filters and a handful of other generators like QRCode. Tell me if you need different ones. You can attach them to the different view filter properties (like contentFilter where the filter does not need an input image but uses the content of the view (and it will not set its output image as well but display directly on screen) or use them in a SpriteKit effect node.

Awesome work Ulrich !

The hardest part is to tweak the external file references. Most of the time I ruin the repository until I tried it 3, 4 times … :wink:
(And thanks a lot, Christoph!)