Check for Specific Tables?

been at it for 17 hours straight now, and I am starting to lose my ability to think.

How do I check my database file to see if ALL 3 specific tables have been created?
I have connected to my database, and have now gone totally blank as to how to check that ALL 3 tables (Table1, Table2, and Table3) have been created :frowning:

Here is what I have so far:

If db.Connect Then Dim rs As Recordset = db.SQLSelect("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master") End if

time to take a break. or you will just break more code than you fix. trust me on this one.

Sample code from “Database.TableSchema” in LR.

// The following example gets the TableSchema for the connected database and displays each table name:
// App.DB is a connected database
Dim tables As RecordSet
tables = App.DB.TableSchema

If tables <> Nil Then
While Not tables.EOF
End If[/code]

that would let you see if they have been created using the exact sql you used even
something like (note this IS forum code but you get the idea)

If db.Connect Then
Dim rs As Recordset = db.SQLSelect(“SELECT name , sql FROM sqlite_master where type = ‘table’”)
dim count as integer
while rs.eof <> true
// now maybe you have a dictionary entry for each table that is the sql used to create it
dim original as string = dict.value(rs.Field(1).StringValue)
dim asIs as string = rs.Field(2).StringValue

if replaceAll(original," ", "") = replaceAll(asIs," ", "") then
       // table was created the way we specified
      count = count + 1
      // it wasn't so what do we want to do ?
end if


  if count <> dict.Count then
      // some tables are missing or not correctly specified ... now what ???????
  end if

End if[/code]