Check for a dirty file?

Yep. but this is a different approach. You must keep a log of all changes and revert them one by one until the log gets empty. So you got the original text. We are talking about having a text aaaabbbb → aaaabbb → aaaabbbc ->aaaabbbb and detecting it got the original state reverting the changes by hand.

Peter, sometimes people also have the illusion that we can avoid optimizations and magical powers hidden into the machines will save them. If you accumulate those things in large projects, milliseconds become seconds and you start to feel the options you did. :wink:

You certainly did not use Xojo in Linux. :slight_smile:

That’s true. I’m not naive about this, but find, more often than not, that what I think might be a performance issue when I’m planning a project, turns out not to be. To each his/her own…

I’m just trying to envision “Howdy pardners” in a British accent…

I was disappointed at the content of this post given the poster and the title…

My first word processor was AppleWriter, in 1982, on the now antique Apple IIe. 6502 or 65C02 running at 1.023 MHz and 8-bit data bus. This very far from today’s over 1 Ghz. Yet, it performed adequately.

When the IBM-PC came about with its blazing fast :wink: 8008 I wrote a word processor based on AppleWriter UI and had to confront the issue of reformating dynamically. It was impossible in real time, so I waited until the user had stopped typing for two seconds before proceeding, using a time slicing crude multitasking routine in case the user started typing again.

Based on the same principle, it should be possible to check for modified text in a thread at regular intervals, or the same way after a set time of inactivity without hindering performances.

Care to elaborate ?

[quote=110696:@Michel Bujardet]
Care to elaborate ?[/quote]

Not unless you are a therapist.

Check this Dirty File

I am not, under any circumstances short of a court order, clicking that link.

Touching :wink: Or is it touché ?

Now (as usual for Richard topics) have we not strayed somewhat ?

This topic has ended. We’re here just wandering on the playground after party.

It’s not my fault my topics stray - other users send the thread off on a tangent :frowning:

Where is everybody ?
