Charles Yeomans SortLibrary, where?

Anyone know where I can get the famous Charles Yeomans SortLibrary?

I have a copy but I’ll have too see if we can post it somewhere public
That will be up to Charles

I have tons of old code - about 1Gb Mb of zips etc
What I don’t know is whether I CAN post it anywhere without authors permission(s)

I had that library along with a LOT of old RB code collected over a decade … until I had a disk crash on my Mac… My backup drive died the month before and I had not gotten around to replacing it… so I lost a lot…

Now I am religous about making sure I have backups

[quote=52477:@Karen Atkocius]I had that library along with a LOT of old RB code collected over a decade … until I had a disk crash on my Mac… My backup drive died the month before and I had not gotten around to replacing it… so I lost a lot…

Now I am religous about making sure I have backups[/quote]

note: I am not associated with Crashplan but am a very happy customer of theirs.

I would invest in Crashplan for backups. Their software is free. free as in cost, it is not OSS. The software can backup to another crashplan client (client to client), and/or backup to their cloud (which costs). I have the family plan to backup all my machines, my mom’s MB and my dads iMac. All to their cloud without issues. And several of my computers backup to each other also.

I have had to do restores before and they are fairly snappy for being over the “inter tubes”.

I have written blog postings about using crashplan in the past. So if you (or anyone else here) has questions about using Crashplan, please let me know. I will tell you as much as you want to know (and maybe more).
