Change the Screen Layout on iosScreen

HI! This question may be trivial, but I cannot find any way to do it.
Is there any way to change the iosScreen Screen Layout from a specific View to Tabs in the middle of execution? Suppose we start with a Screen pointing to a view, such as authentication, after successful authentication I would like to switch to a screen with Tabs.
Is there any way to do that?


You can use the hideTabBar function in XojoiOSWrapper to hide the tab bar in the first view.

Another way is to present the authentication view modally. To do that, declare:

Declare Sub presentViewController Lib "UIKit" Selector "presentViewController:animated:completion:" (parentView As Ptr, viewControllerToPresent As Ptr, animated As Boolean, completion As Ptr)


dim yourView As New yourAuthenticationView
yourView.Parent = parentView
presentViewController(parentView.Handle, yourview.Handle, True, Nil)

But if you do this, you need to dismiss your modal view in this way:

Declare Sub dismissViewController Lib "UIKit" Selector "dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:" (parentView As Ptr, animated As Boolean, completion As Ptr)
dismissViewController(self.viewControllerHandle, True, Nil)

[quote=206394:@Michel Bujardet]You can use the hideTabBar function in XojoiOSWrapper to hide the tab bar in the first view.[/quote]
Thanks a lot, I’ll try this

[quote=206436:@Jason Tait]Another way is to present the authentication view modally. To do that, declare:

Very nice and handy!
Thanks a lot Jason.