Certify a user's identity (signature)

Hey guys I have very little experience with this.

I need to have someone “sign” a form in a desktop app, like an agreement.
The signer will be physically present when the document is created, but I need to keep digital track of his agreement (in addition to his signature on a printed paper)
I’ve seen people signing with their index finger in phone’s or tablet’s screens… does that have any validity ? Signs come out horrible
Where do I start ?

That’s a question for your lawyer who will be able to answer specifically for your project.

Here’s a recent discussion on implementation of a canvas that will track for signatures: https://forum.xojo.com/50872-drawing-signature-onto-canvas-windows-touchscreen

this is the best advice you can get about this. As far as I know, none of us are lawyers. Especially a lawyer that is an expert in the field you are asking about.

You are right about the legal validity… I will take a look at the possible implementation solution suggested by Tim in the link…

For the documents that I have seen signed have a “digital signature”. This binds the signature to the document. If one byte of the document changes (for nefarious reasons), then the digital signature becomes invalid. Think a hash between the document and the signature. We use Bluebeam at our work and we’re about to roll out digital signatures. Obviously, Bluebeam is external to our applications. However I wonder if a Xojo app could be written to check “Has the signature box been digitally signed?”


You may also want to look at a web based service. Real Estate people use web based digital signing services all the time. That may be an avenue to explore.