I have a PostgreSQL database with a valid SSL certificate and the SSL options turned on (in postgres.conf). Where do I place the settings in my connection to tell my SQLDatabaseMBS database to connect using that SSL certificate, or is it automatic? I would assume I would need something like:
Another Questions is how is your pg_hba.conf cinfigured.
I for example disalow any connection not ssl encrypted, by using the hostssl allow directive and host(s) deny directive in said config file.
Any Not Encrypted Connection is denied access. So you would now if it uses SSL this way because else the connection will not work.
Gave me a problem when i compiled an app of mine with the new xojo version because some time ago (the xojo db plugins) had their SSLMode set to SSLDisabled in the Default Config (The RealStudio Version at least where set to SSLAllow). So my App couldn’t Connect to the DB because it didn’t even try to connect per SSL.