Certificate Expiration Date


Is there any way to programmatically get an Ad-Hoc/In-House iOS App’s own certificate expiration date?.. so I can remind myself that have to make a new build by that date…


I mean, you could always create an event on your Calendar. You’ll get a notification from the Calendar when it’s time :slight_smile:

True, but I also want to make sure that the build used the certificate I wanted.

[quote=375547:@James Meyer]Hi…

Is there any way to programmatically get an Ad-Hoc/In-House iOS App’s own certificate expiration date?.. so I can remind myself that have to make a new build by that date…[/quote]
Not easily. What you’re looking for is really the date of the provisioning profile. You used to be able to go into Settings and see the profile and its expiry date but you can’t now. You could grab the .ipa in question, rename it to a .zip (for that’s all .ipa files are), unzip it, and dig down, looking for a .mobileprovision file.

From memory, this contains the expiry date (you can open it in a text editor, it’s just XML). It’s been a couple of years since I’ve done this when working with a customer’s MDM solution, but I assume this part hasn’t changed.


Thanks, I will take a look…

Just to wrap this up… On my Mac I was able to “Show Package Contents” on the iOS .app file. Inside I found the file “embedded.mobileprovision”… which I opened with a text editor. The file is a mix of binary data and xml… In the xml I found: ExpirationDate

… which is the expiration date I expected to see.