Cell of TextArea in a Cell of ListBox

Hello group.
I have a TextArea, with active multiline and therefore a series of data. I would like to display this data on the box of a ListBox. How do I do it? Thanks.

As is, the ListBox does not allows you to display text in multilines IN THE SAME CELL.

Do a search in this Forum for solutions from third parties vendors.

OK, I was thinking if there is some way to intercept the ENTER character in the TextArea text and replace it with another one in the textfield cell

Yes there is (I do not tried), but your user will be surprised (at least) to not see his text as intended.

In a pro-bono done for Caritas, I had two windows:
a. view by list (with a set of icons/buttons on top)
b. a view by record (the whole record where you can type multi-lines text).

Add, Delete, Modify are done in window b. (I also was able to add a Picture, but they do not wanted it, so I removed it years ago).

i made a test with TextArea in ListBox and was not happy.
i would use a pop-up window with a TextArea.

or list and extra row detail view.

What makes you unhappy ?

it was the usability. possibly that i not had a good example/template for it.
i considered to use the listbox similar to a excel sheet
and input for my data for different tables without having a detail view.
i have many tables in this app

That is Xojo my friend.

Try to modify the TextArea StyleSheet… and cry.

I solved it by identifying the enter character in the textArea and converting it to a series of characters in the textfield
rows.Column(“Dettagli”).StringValue.ReplaceAll(chr(13)," || ") and vice versa.
I don’t think any user types the string of characters " || ".

that means you need a wide column width to see the all text in a single line.
have you test ShowTooltip for the text?

No, but it could be another solution. :slight_smile:

Is it for displaying or for typing ?

for displaying only

Just a guess but if the listbox cell is large then just clicking into it will display the entire text. Not perfect but other solutions probably require a mouse click.

It is possible to use lisbox. Tooltip