Hi, for a customer I have to build an Win+Mac app with can read info of a smarcard.
They are using Mifare Smarcard’s already and want to use reader ACR122U .
Is there already a Xojo plugin for reading info from a CCID device like this?
Hi, for a customer I have to build an Win+Mac app with can read info of a smarcard.
They are using Mifare Smarcard’s already and want to use reader ACR122U .
Is there already a Xojo plugin for reading info from a CCID device like this?
[quote=292654:@Christian Schmitz]We have a SmartCard class:
Thx! It’s connecting, I mail you some questions about it!
Have fun!
Is there a sample code for test ?
did you get the version with this Transmit call?
oh, there may be an error.
The header must use 2 for T1, I think.
The code in your documents to get the Version is returning error -2146435064
Maybe I find time tonight to try it myself…
So, I wrote a sample which shows here version number and queries serial number.
Seems to work for me.
I’ve emailed it to Jaap and Valdemar.
I receive today my reader and test the sample. I get the same error when as Jaap when connect to reader.
please try newer version of the example.
error -2146435060 is a missing smart card!
Hi, i can connect with example, but nothing possible after…
when i try to transmit, i never receive data
other ACR122 soft works well
my code used:
[code] dim header as new memoryBlock(8)
header.Int32Value(0) = 2 // T1
header.Int32Value(4) = 8 // size of this block
dim command as new MemoryBlock(5)
command.Int8Value(0) = &h0
command.Int8Value(1) = &hCA
command.Int8Value(2) = &h1
command.Int8Value(3) = &h82
command.Int8Value(4) = &h2
dim buffer as new MemoryBlock(512)
dim ReceiveHeader as new MemoryBlock(8)
dim RecvLength as UInt32
card.Transmit(header, command, command.Size, ReceiveHeader, buffer, RecvLength)
DebugWindow.DebugWindow.AppendText( "Received Header " + EncodeHex(ReceiveHeader,true)+" bytes" + chr(13) )
DebugWindow.DebugWindow.AppendText( "Received "+str(RecvLength)+" bytes" + chr(13) )
Thanks for help
I think you should set Recvlength to 512 to specify how much space is in buffer.