Canvas touch thru

Would it be possible to make a canvas letting the touch/gestures thru?
This is the situation:

  • I use a PickerView with a canvas on top of it (for making the selected item more visible by putting a colour over it.)
    Unfortunately the canvas captures all gestures and the PickerView does not receive them.

It would be great if we could make the canvas letting thru all gestures so in this case the PickerView works as expected.

BTW putting the canvas under the PickerView has drawing issues when scrolling thru the options (also happens in Xcode) so that is no option.

I thought I had filed a FR but apparently not.

Indeed iOSCanvas should behave like Canvas in OS X, and not consume events.

Maybe you should file a feature request.

[quote=157459:@Christoph De Vocht]- I use a PickerView with a canvas on top of it (for making the selected item more visible by putting a colour over it.)
Unfortunately the canvas captures all gestures and the PickerView does not receive them.[/quote]
If this control was created with declares, perhaps the easier solution would be to show the selection indicator?

@Greg O’Lone the selection indicator is always shown in iOS 7+.