Can you rollback API 2.0 event name changes?

I thought the IDE deprecation warnings on the Window events for Open/Close were an eyesore so I chose to accept the new Opening/Closing names. That’s the only API 2.0 change I have made. Then I tried to use a new third-party tool and was unable to as it relies on the presence of Open/Close events.

Is it possible to rollback to the Open/Close event names?

[quote=460875:@Jason Tait]I thought the IDE deprecation warnings on the Window events for Open/Close were an eyesore so I chose to accept the new Opening/Closing names. That’s the only API 2.0 change I have made. Then I tried to use a new third-party tool and was unable to as it relies on the presence of Open/Close events.

Is it possible to rollback to the Open/Close event names?[/quote]

If you are asking about that specific project, maybe if you save it as a text project and edit it yourself …

More generally I wish Xojo Inc would just revert them altogether… During beta a lot of us told them we though the event name changes were a big mistake… so i doubt they will revert them now.

  • karen

There is a checkbox on the bottom of the Add Events dialog that allows you to see deprecated events. Obviously you’d have to use 2019 R2 to use them. Delete the new events and then use the deprecated events.

Thanks Bob.