Can you change the Caption/Text/Heading of GetOpenFolderItem?

I guess it makes sense that the GetOpenFolderItem defaults to “Open” in the dialog window heading.

However, under the File menu I need to have “Open” and “Import”. It would be nice to be able to change the window heading to reflect the option.

Not the end of the world if it can’t be done, but nice if it could.

Use OpenFolderDialog

Thanks a lot Tim. The correct property I was looking for was " .Title"

Interesting that it only seems to be available with Windows or Linux. Fortunately I’m using Windows.


It also works on macOS (and OS X prior that).

Actually that’s the base class. You want OpenDialog and the propert named PromptText. There were a few releases last year where it didn’t show on OS X, but it’s fixed now.

I’m using WIN7 so perhaps there is a difference.

This code seems to work fine, as in the Title is in the title bar of the window. PrompText does not do anything that I can see.

[quote]Dim dlg As OpenDialog
Dim f As FolderItem
dlg = New OpenDialog
dlg.InitialDirectory = SpecialFolder.Documents
dlg.Title = “TITLE: Select a File”
dlg.PromptText = “PROMPT: Select a File”

f = dlg.ShowModal
If f <> Nil Then
//proceed normally
//User Cancelled
End If[/quote]

Thanks all. This is working as I would like.

Dim dlg As OpenDialog
Dim f As FolderItem
dlg = New OpenDialog
dlg.InitialDirectory = SpecialFolder.Documents
dlg.Title = "Import File"
f = dlg.ShowModal
If f <> Nil Then
//proceed normally
//User Cancelled
End If
