Can I use any font in xojo for commercial purpose?

I am making text editor desktop app with custom font setting.
Do I need o purchase license of every font?

If you are just allowing the user to use the fonts installed on their machine, then you shouldn’t need any licenses. If you are providing fonts to the user within your application, that are not already installed on their machine then you would need to look into the distribution rights to those fonts.


Most commercial fonts require a license if you plan on using them in your app.

However, you may want to have a look at Google Fonts.

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Hi @Vansaj_Jain

You can’t include commercial fonts in your app(s) without license them. Fortunately, there are plenty of free fonts in the wild (most of them equivalent to commercial ones)… so probably you will want to take a look to these… or license the commercial fonts you intend to use.