Calling an Event in another window

I have window A, which has a change even on a list box that when popped does a few things.

I want window B to, when completed running, close and pop the event in window A, so that the data can be refreshed.

Is there a way to call an event like this via another window?

Try moving the code in your change event to a method in the window that can be called from outside the window.

[quote=192180:@James Rogers]I have window A, which has a change even on a list box that when popped does a few things.

I want window B to, when completed running, close and pop the event in window A, so that the data can be refreshed.

Is there a way to call an event like this via another window?[/quote]

Changing the selected row will trigger the Change event, according to the LR. So you could simply change the selected row in your Windows A listbox to trigger the event.


Admitting the second row is not selected yet, this in Window B will trigger the change event in ListBox1 on WindowA :

WindowA.Listbox1.Selected(1)=True  //selects the second item in the first column.

Thank you that second result worked perfectly.

I did try to make a separate method but was running into all kinds of problems trying to get the new method to point to all the right stuff. the second answer was definitely the quicker fix.