Calculating total between hours


I need to calculate the total hours of an employee as follow:

1.Check in
2.Lunch in
3.Lunch out
4. Check out

is possible do math whitin times?

Thanks to all


Hi Alan,

its possible. Look here:

With classic framework, using date.Totalseconds.

[code] dim checkin as new date
dim lunchin as new date
dim lunchout as new date
dim checkout as new date

checkin.hour = 9
checkin.minute = 00
lunchin.hour = 12
lunchin.minute = 00
lunchout.hour = 13
lunchout.Minute = 30
checkout.hour = 17
checkout.Minute = 0

dim interval as new date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

interval.totalseconds = (checkout.TotalSeconds-lunchout.TotalSeconds) + _
(lunchin.TotalSeconds - checkin.TotalSeconds)

msgbox "hours worked : " + str(interval.Hour) + “:” + str(interval.Minute)[/code]

Thanks Michel

You save my day!

You’re welcome, Alan.