
When printing from the IDE the left margin setting(1" by default) doesn’t work unless you change the value first.

The Copy/Cut/Paste function doesn’t work in the IDE. It used to before version 3.

I tried to use Feed Back but it couldn’t connect.

Please provide more information as to which version of Xojo you are using. I presume Release 3 and under. But is this 2014 releases? Also provide which operating system you are using.

I have not had problems with this personally. I am using Windows.

I am running Win 7.
All of the Release 2014 version 3’s have shown the cut/paste problem on my computer. The left margin printing issue has always been there since I started using Real basic/XOJO two years ago.

[quote=161779:@Larry Cluchey]I am running Win 7.
All of the Release 2014 version 3’s have shown the cut/paste problem on my computer. The left margin printing issue has always been there since I started using Real basic/XOJO two years ago.[/quote]

What do you mean by printing margin ? PrinterSetup.Left is read only and set to zero. http://documentation.xojo.com/index.php/PrinterSetup

How does the copy/cut/paste issue manifests ? When you go Ctrl-C/Ctrl-X/Ctrl-V, when you use the mouse right click, or through the Edit menu options ?

If you try to print from the IDE (Windows 7 and all versions of RB/Xojo I’ve used over the past 7 years) without first accessing the Page Setup dialog and clicking Ok, the left print margin of 1 inch is ignored and the printing is at the left edge of the page. There is a long time back Feedback report on this and, IMHO, is of such a low priority that I hope Xojo fixes all the other bugs first. :slight_smile: