Today i saved my Xojo Project as usual in Xojo Project (Txt) Format, while quitting Xojo.
Now when i try to open my Project, Xojo crashes while loading it and on the next Xojo Launch i can file a FR for a “Crash near _CFRelease” crash.
I already deleted the ui_state File, cleared the Xojo Caches and copied the Project to another location. But i can’t open the project anymore. A private FR has been opened.
Has anyone else ever seen this and knows how to fix it please?
Can you also send the Build Automation.xojo_code
The error seems to be in here
Still not sure what
HOWEVER, this suggests that to be able to get your project open that you can replace it with an empty one for now
I realize this breaks your build script but until I can sort out what the issue is this is JUST a work around
An empty build automation file should look like
#tag BuildAutomation
Begin BuildStepList Linux
Begin BuildProjectStep Build
Begin BuildStepList Mac OS X
Begin BuildProjectStep Build
Begin BuildStepList Windows
Begin BuildProjectStep Build
#tag EndBuildAutomation
This one is quite specific
It has to be a reference to an external script that cant be referenced by a partial path because its located on a different volume etc
And it has to be a text project (not binary or xml)
If this script were right next to your project & external it would be fine