Bug ? Copy / Paste multiple Properties does not works if no properties already in the target object


As we all know, digital Copy / Paste is good, most of the time.

In the IDE, I Copy / Paste some properties from one window (for a ToolBar I add to the target window) to another, but the Paste operation does not worked at all.

It worked after I added a new Foo Property to the target window. Then I cleared it (the useless Foo property).


Did I told you lately that I am champion at bug discoveries ?

The same thing happens with methods too. I suspect that constants, shared methods and enums share the same fate.

The Navigator is a great idea but the implementation isn’t so great. It’s trying to do too much, IMO, which I why I’d prefer to do a hybrid interface somewhere between what it is now and what Real Studio did.

So… I checked some entries in my small project, but it had none of these…

On other entries in the Navigator pane, at Paste time, a 1 (or 2 or…) is appended to the object name.

With the ellapsed time and (bad) anwsers I got to some questions, they have too much things on their plate (too few engineers) and cannot get some time to refine the IDE.

Real Studio IDE:
It had a way (a CheckBox) to hide unused events and that was good. Thing you want to learn the Events of a Window (menu, etc.). With Real Studio, you just have to put code in all events (small explanation) <> Xojo: you have to add one event at a time, then add one event, enlarge the window selection event, and then add code.
In this regard, Xojo IDE is a step backward.

Note: I do not understand (the older I went the more I use that sentence: “I do not understand”), why the drawer window (in OS X IDE) to select the Event to add is so small (vertically speaking) considering the Xojo IDE at first launch time !

[quote=114817:@Emile Schwarz] Xojo: you have to add one event at a time, then add one event, enlarge the window selection event, and then add code.
Not sure if you know this but in the dialog you can select as many as you want & add them all at once

[quote=114817:@Emile Schwarz]
Note: I do not understand (the older I went the more I use that sentence: “I do not understand”), why the drawer window (in OS X IDE) to select the Event to add is so small (vertically speaking) considering the Xojo IDE at first launch time ![/quote]
Its resizable
Make it whatever size you’d like

I didn’t knew that: thank you.

This I know.

Unfortunately, here, the size I set disappears as soon as I click in OK (is not saved as Preference). That is the reason I was talking about that (and because the open size is small comparing to the IDE main window default size).

Have a nice Week-End.