BKeeney ActiveRecord for Web

I converted BKeeney ActiveRecord to a the web project:

See: www.bkeeney.com/rbinto/activerecord

it works but I can not run this code:

[code]Private Function GetContext() As BKS_ActiveRecord.P.Context
if m_ctxDefault is nil then
m_ctxDefault = new BKS_ActiveRecord.P.Context
end if

#if RBVersion >= 2011.04
#if TargetWeb

  if not Session.Available then
    return m_ctxDefault
  end if
  dim lck as new BKS_ActiveRecord.P.ScopedLock(csCtx)
  if m_dictContext=nil then
    m_dictContext = new Dictionary
  end if
  if not m_dictContext.HasKey(Session.Identifier) then
    m_dictContext.Value(Session.Identifier) = new BKS_ActiveRecord.P.Context
  end if
  return m_dictContext.Value(Session.Identifier)



return m_ctxDefault

End Function

in Web Returns m_dictTypeDB with value Nil (gives error in GetTypeConstructor) instead of a Dictionary with BKS_ActiveRecord.REALSQLDatabaseAdapter with name m_db and value REALSQLDatabase refering to a file in specific folderitem (/Users/…/ActiveRecord/db.rsd)

If i exclude #if TargetWeb Works …

[code]Private Function GetContext() As BKS_ActiveRecord.P.Context
if m_ctxDefault is nil then
m_ctxDefault = new BKS_ActiveRecord.P.Context
end if

return m_ctxDefault

End Function
could please somebody help me?

Download complete web project

Thanks Rob

If somebody has a solution to resolve this problem and wants to publish it in an easy way could also send a copy to roberto.calvi@gmail.com and i’ll publish it here for you. Thanks to everybody

If you contact us at support@bkeeney.com we can probably help out. :slight_smile:

Thanks Bob i’ll do it immediately

Just wanted to let everyone know that I’ve added a new Web example, thanks to Roberto in our download available from http://www.bkeeney.com/rbinto/activerecord/. Added a new minor example of how to find and added links to get more examples.

Thank you Bob!
I appreciate the fantastic collaboration with you and suggest to everybody to visit http://www.bkeeney.com and to download the working sample from http://www.bkeeney.com/rbinto/activerecord/