bevelbutton(toggle mode) and pagepanel question


how to use the bevelbutton and pagepanel to create a customized tabpanel? I have 2 bevelbuttons (in toggle mode) and a pagepanel contains 2 pages. My expectation is click button1, the button1 will shown as pressed and page1 shows up, then press button2, the button1 pops up and page2 shows up. I use the code

PagePanel1.Value = 0  'page index, starts from 0 to page qty - 1

to show the page in button.action(). However, I don’t know how to pop up the bevelbutton. I think it’s not a good method to call the event handler directly from the code, similar like, pushbutton.push. So how can I do that?


Why would you re-invent the tabpanel?
Is there a reason you’re using bevel buttons instead of a segmented control for this behavior?

[quote=226687:@Tim Parnell]Why would you re-invent the tabpanel?
Is there a reason you’re using bevel buttons instead of a segmented control for this behavior?[/quote]
with bevelbutton, I can put icons on it, changes the size of it and so on. Much more flexibility compare to traditional tabpanel’s tab. Plus, this is a project for a touch screen, the tab is way too small for fingure touch, unless using some huge size font. But that will make the UI looks ugly.

Well it looks like you just need to set BevelButton.Value for whatever state it should be.
So in the Action of BevelButton1 set BevelButton2.Value = false

[quote=226696:@Tim Parnell]Well it looks like you just need to set BevelButton.Value for whatever state it should be.
So in the Action of BevelButton1 set BevelButton2.Value = false[/quote]
Yep, that is exactly what I want. Thanks!