I am creating my first web form that requires a date entry. I see that there is no native date picker in Xojo. I am wondering what others are using/doing for date entry fields. From what I can tell by searching the web, my options are somewhat limited…
I could just provide a text field and validate the entry in code.
I read that it is easy to create a date picker with code, and there might be an example of this in the docs, but I cannot find any such examples.
I found a couple of 3rd party date controls but have not yet figured out how any of them work and how to use them.
As a newbie to Xojo, I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Not much of a response on this question. Thanks Wayne for your response.
I don’t have the luxury of time on this project so creating my own data picker is not going to happen. I have decided to use a text field with format sample (mm/dd/yy) and let the database backend, which has built in date validation functionality, validate the submitted date string.
I was unable to download that particular date picker. I tried several others proposed on the forum, and settled on the date picker created by @Jay Menna . It is minimalist. I modified it a bit to satisfy my requirements of international date format and multi-language interface. I find it easy to use and easy to maintain. It is found here.
Other date pickers proposed on the the forum are definitely worth trying also. My choice was guided by my specific requirements, I may select an other one in a different context.