Battery level % under Windows

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has some code to read the battery level (%) of a laptop or tablet under windows?

Thanks heaps!

I’d hazard a guess you need a declare to
BOOL WINAPI GetSystemPowerStatus( Out LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS lpSystemPowerStatus );
typedef struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS {
BYTE ACLineStatus;
BYTE BatteryFlag;
BYTE BatteryLifePercent;
BYTE Reserved1;
DWORD BatteryLifeTime;
DWORD BatteryFullLifeTime;

Structure SystemPowerStatus aclinestatus as byte batteryflag as byte batterylifepercent As byte reserved1 As byte batterylifetime as int32 batteryfulllifetime As int32 end structure

[code]soft declare GetSystemPowerStatus lib “Kernel32” (byref inout as systempowerstatus ) as integer

dim status as systempowerstatus
dim result as integer

result = GetSystemPowerStatus(status)

// if result = 0 then call failed
// result <> 0 call suceeded[/code]

Maybe this one work for you.

   // INFO:
  Dim locator, objWMIService, objs, objProperty  As OLEOBJECT
  Dim nobjs as Integer
  //  Connect to WMI
  locator = new oleObject("WbemScripting.SWbemlocator", true)
  Dim wmiServiceParams(2) as variant
  wmiServiceParams(1) = "."
  wmiServiceParams(2) = "root\\cimv2"
  objWMIService= locator.invoke("ConnectServer", wmiServiceParams)
  // Run the WMI query
  objs = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Battery")
  nobjs = objs.count - 1
  //msgbox ("Number of Objects: " + str(nobjs +1))
  For i as integer = 0 to nobjs
    Dim stringData As String
    objProperty = objs.ItemIndex(i)
    // ItemIndex() is not supported in Windows XP only from Windows Vista and upwards
    stringData = "Availability: " + objProperty.Value("Availability") + EndOfLine _
    + "BatteryRechargeTimel: " +  objProperty.Value("BatteryRechargeTime") + EndOfLine _
    + "BatteryStatus: " +  objProperty.Value("BatteryStatus") + EndOfLine _
    +"Caption: "  + objProperty.Value("Caption") + EndOfLine _
    + "Chemistry: " +  objProperty.Value("Chemistry") + EndOfLine _
    + "ConfigManagerErrorCode: " + objProperty.Value("ConfigManagerErrorCode") + EndOfLine _
    + "ConfigManagerUserConfig: " + objProperty.Value("ConfigManagerUserConfig") + EndOfLine _
    + "CreationClassName: " + objProperty.Value("CreationClassName") + EndOfLine _
    + "Description: " + objProperty.Value("Description") + EndOfLine _
    + "DesignCapacity: " + objProperty.Value("DesignCapacity") + EndOfLine _
    + "DesignVoltage: " + objProperty.Value("DesignVoltage") + EndOfLine _
    + "DeviceID: " +  objProperty.Value("DeviceID") + EndOfLine _
    + "ErrorCleared: " +  objProperty.Value("ErrorCleared") + EndOfLine _
    + "ErrorDescriptionr: " +  objProperty.Value("ErrorDescription") + EndOfLine _
    + "EstimatedChargeRemaining: " + objProperty.Value("EstimatedChargeRemaining") + EndOfLine _
    + "EstimatedRunTime: " + objProperty.Value("EstimatedRunTime") + EndOfLine _
    + "ExpectedBatteryLife: " + objProperty.Value("ExpectedBatteryLife") + EndOfLine _
    + "ExpectedLife: " + objProperty.Value("ExpectedLife") + EndOfLine _
    + "FullChargeCapacity: " + objProperty.Value("FullChargeCapacity") + EndOfLine _
    + "InstallDate: " + objProperty.Value("InstallDate") + EndOfLine _
    + "LastErrorCode: " + objProperty.Value("LastErrorCode") + EndOfLine _
    + "MaxRechargeTime: " + objProperty.Value("MaxRechargeTime") + EndOfLine _
    + "Name: " + objProperty.Value("Name") + EndOfLine _
    + "PNPDeviceID: " + objProperty.Value("PNPDeviceID") + EndOfLine
    msgbox stringData
  locator = Nil
exception err as oleexception
  msgbox err.message

Thanks very much guys. I’ve sorted it out… I’ll post code shortly when I’m back at work!