I’m going to school here on threads and looking for suggestions. I’ve gone through everything I can find on threads here in the forum, the docs, example projects, and the threads webinar. It gets deep fast.
I’ve got an app. A timer kicks off a thread and it does some “stuff” every 15 minutes. To do all this might take 5 minutes on a heavy day.
What I found was that about once every 3-6 weeks, roughly, the thread would kick off and get the ThreadAlreadyRunning exception. I suppose I could catch that and handle it but no. I had to rework it all based on what I think I learned reviewing all the info on the subject. It turns out I don’t know as much as I think I do.
Right now I’ve got a thread object that gets created by the timer. Does this thread end on it’s own when it’s all done? If not then the app will be spawning new threads? How do I might I manage this?
Well, if the thread leaves the running event it is no longer running. So you might want to add a check in the timer.action event to see if the state of the thread is running or not. If it is, you have a couple of options. You can kill the thread or just return (and let it complete).
You might want to double check code in the thread to see why it’s NOT completing. But since it’s sporadic it might take a while. You might need to do some logging to find it if it really happens so rarely.
The article by Aaron Ballman “Creating a Thread Pool” (available for free at http://xojolibrary.com/) could be helpful if your are looking for Thread management info.
This is an older app and my code is not in good form. It was a learning experience. It’s all in a twist now.
The timer coder calls a method that was my attempt at managing this. It’s basically cut and paste out of the example project.
Select Case mDataSync.State
Case Thread.Running
app.LogDataError("00101", "Thread is Running and Killed.")
Case Thread.Waiting
app.LogDataError("00102", "Thread is Waiting.")
Case Thread.Suspended
app.LogDataError("00103", "Thread is Suspended.")
Case Thread.Sleeping
app.LogDataError("00104", "Thread is Sleeping.")
Case Thread.NotRunning
app.LogDataError("00105", "Thread is Not Running.")
mDataSync = new DataSync
End Select
Catch err as NilObjectException
app.LogDataError("00105", "Thread is Not Running.")
mDataSync = new DataSync
End Try
This method, named ManageThread, is called at the beginning and the end.
I have a button which starts a thread to check the Imap connection. Even with checking the state of the thread I had to add the try/catch because I occasionally got a ThreadAlreadyRunningException. Even though the structure of the code is very simple:
[quote] try
If ThreadCheckImap.State <> Thread.Running then
end if
catch err as ThreadAlreadyRunningException
end try[/quote]
There is a menu where the thread can be initiated manually. That doesn’t get used much except when there is a failure and the process gets behind or when testing changes to the code.
It seems to be working now but for some reason it’s running every 30 minutes instead of 15. There’s a flaw in the logic somewhere.
Part of the problem is that there is a lot of room for optimization. This is an early app for me and I also had to come to understand XML. It was quite befuddling. In order to complete the project I just forged ahead. It could go for a complete rewrite. But to answer your question there isn’t much code in the thread itself other than a call to the main routine located in a module. It’s a one liner. That code then calls other methods in the same module as well as the app.
Basically the app reaches out to a database and asks for new or changed contact records. It receives a list of keys and then loops through them getting the individual record data. All in XML. It then converts that to MySQL format and updates the local database. It also does this for events and event attendance.
So there’s a lot of code outside the thread in methods.
It wouldn’t so much end the thread as signal that the thread has ended.
At that point it should hit the Thread.Running case, since it is being called from within the thread, and Kill itself, which isn’t necessary as the thread is about to end anyway.
OK…this sorted out. I was looking at some unexpected results which threw me off. This is a new machine I’m running it on and I did not have it configured properly. It was going to sleep. So the timer wasn’t kicking off when it should.
It looks like it all works in the various versions I’ve posted. I’ll clean this up and wrap it up with another post.