Basic Link menu

I have a couple questions of someone can point me to the right direction. I used to be able to do a simple link box in Visual Basic .net. But I want to create a list of links and was wondering if someone can help me out a little.
Also is there any web programming templates that can be downloaded? Just curious. I do better at looking at the code.



What is a “link box” in VB.NET? I searched a little, but couldn’t find anything. In Xojo, perhaps you could use a ListBox/WebListBox and then in the appropriate Change event, use ShowURL to display the link.

Xojo includes lots of examples. Click on Examples in the Project Chooser and then select “Web” at the bottom to see all the web-related examples.

Thanks Paul. I used to have a list of links in a application that I could click on so that I had them on my desktop that I used all the time. With Xojo I havent figured it out yet how to do it.


I think the clickable link is a hypertext link maybe? I seem to remember something from the old days where you could create a button that looked like a label . The quickest hack might be to code many links in a HTMLViewer or use a BevelButton per link and set its Bevel to None then you will need to get the OS to ‘open’ the caption text in the action event