
So, noteplayer on mac is now using AVTools. That’s a great development. Is that just in cocoa or also in carbon too?

Is there any hope that the movieplayer functions will also be transported to AVTools as well?

If so, that would open up a host of new possibilities for creating music software. Rock solid multitrack recording, DSP, more stabler audio and video editing and so on.



MoviePlayer will be changed to use AVFoundation in the next release.

All EditableMovie functionality is being removed in 2014r1 due to being implemented in the very deprecated QuickTime C APIs and the cost of reimplementing them on top of AVFoundation.


  • EditableMovie
  • QT3DAudio
  • QTEffect
  • QTEffectSequence
  • QTGraphicsExporter
  • QTGraphicsExporter
  • QTSoundTrack
  • QTTrack
  • QTUserData
  • QTVideoTrack
  • System.QuickTime

MoviePlayer properties:

  • MoviePlayer.EditingEnabled
  • MoviePlayer.PlayerType
  • MoviePlayer.PlaySelection
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRNode
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRNodeCount
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRPan
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRPanMax
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRPanMin
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRPanTiltSpeed
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRTilt
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRTiltMax
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRTiltMin
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRZoom
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRZoomMax
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRZoomMin
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRZoomSpeed
  • MoviePlayer.Rate
  • MoviePlayer.SelLength
  • MoviePlayer.SelStart

MoviePlayer methods:

  • MoviePlayer.Clear
  • MoviePlayer.Copy
  • MoviePlayer.Cut
  • MoviePlayer.Paste
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRHotSpotCount
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRHotSpotID
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRNodeTypeObject
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRNodeTypePanorama
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRTriggerHotSpot
  • MoviePlayer.QTVRTriggerHotSpotNames
  • MoviePlayer.Undo

FolderItem methods:

  • FolderItem.CreateMovie
  • FolderItem.OpenEditableMovie

Global methods:

  • GetQTCrossFadeEffect
  • GetQTGraphicsExporter
  • GetQTSMPTEEffect

[quote=57064:@Joe Ranieri]All EditableMovie functionality is being removed in 2014r1 due to being implemented in the very deprecated QuickTime C APIs and the cost of reimplementing them on top of AVFoundation.


So all that functionality is being removed now because of the Mac app store…

Does that means there are currently no plans for reintroducing that functionality using an AVFoundation or that it will have to wait for some future release for it to be reintroduced?

Given that AVFoundation does not exist exist for Windows and QuickTime does, I suspect it’s the former as then doing it X-platform gets a lot harder and I suspect Xojo does not want to redo it just for the Mac…

Well that would potentially give Christian a little bigger market among those that use Xojo for mac only stuff!

Well, the first problem is that Apple does not provide a functionally for Windows with 64bit, so QuickTime on Windows is dead.

For Mac, you have to move to AVFoundation on the long run. Newer codecs will only be available there…

PS: Out AVFoundation plugin is complete, so you can use everything this framework provides.

The Mac App Store isn’t the only reason that this is being removed.

There is no plan to reintroduce this functionality.

QuickTime for Windows is dead.

Or macoslib, should someone add the declares.

Well, doesn’t that just rip my nighty…
First of all, I use Quicktime on both Windows and Mac. This is the core of my software.
Christian, I tried to use the AVTools MBS plugin on my Mac - it crashed xojo everytime I ran a demo
If the Xojo guys plan to remove all these tools, they should really have replacements for them.
They will also need to have the equivilent on Windows.

I’m quite happy to move to cocoa when these AVTools are available, as it will make my Mac version more crash-proof.

Dang! I had an idea the other for a video app, I think I’ll wait till the next release to see what options are possible.

I need to basically extract frames from the movie, at specified intervals.

@Sean: Hey, if you have a crash with the plugins, please email me with crash report.

@Sam: There is a sample project for extracting. And it can use multiple CPUs to be very fast.

In one of my apps I changed everything to VLC and AVFoundation for playing movies etc… the MBS plugins can do this just fine.

@ Sean Clancy:
I do not have any crashes with the AV MBS plugins and Xojo. Works fine.

What do you do if you want to edit movies, for example add subtitles, cut out ads etc?

Use AVFoundation on Mac.