How can I automate updating the classes and modules within Xojo projects?
I believe you can use external items to achieve this if I’m right but how can I have it automatically update the code from Github?
How can I automate updating the classes and modules within Xojo projects?
I believe you can use external items to achieve this if I’m right but how can I have it automatically update the code from Github?
That is usually a bad idea. Updating your local repository from a global one should be done manually so you can review any changes for conflicts with your existing branch. Otherwise, what’s the point of a source code control system? You might as well be using dropbox.
What about confirmed updates?
I am guessing this is why we have code snippet tools.
What if those confirmed updates remove functionality you depend on, or make some other massive change?
Generally you don’t want to use someone else’s code without reviewing it and knowing exactly what it does.
[quote=174428:@Tim Parnell]What if those confirmed updates remove functionality you depend on, or make some other massive change?
Generally you don’t want to use someone else’s code without reviewing it and knowing exactly what it does.[/quote]
I meant you confirm that it does not break your code.
How would you confirm that the update does not break your code?
If it does break your code, would you want to fix your code before committing, or would you want to revert the library update?
These questions (and many others) are why you never automatically apply library updates to your own repository, even if it’s your own library. If you were using Git and had submodules in play, then you can update from your remotes without committing the changes, when you’re happy with them commit, if not revert and the references will revert to the remote’s commit that you are happy works for you.
It basically comes down to never committing untested code, so even a library update requires testing before committing.