Which is the best way to create a MemoryBlock that holds all the values of an array of doubles (two dimensions).
I must be able to send this array to a Declare for an external DLL, and I don’t know how.
If this conversion is automatic (I wish it was, but I think it’s not), how are values stored in the MemoryBlock, by columns or by rows?
Assuming this is a C based DLL means you’ll have to write all the values from your Xojo array in row major order
Create the memory block to hold all the values - width * height * sizeof double (which is 8 bytes)
Then iterate over the values row by row & plop them in the mb
dim offset as integer
for row as integer = 0 to ubound(myArrayOfDoubles,1)
for col as integer = 0 to ubound(myArrayOfDoubles,2)
memBlock.doublevalue(offset) = myArrayOfDoubles(row,col)
offset = offset + 8
EDIT : DUH there’s a bug … remember to increment the offset each time
C arrays are fairly simple
You can calculate the position of any element (say in a 2 D array - I’d have to poke around to be sure about more dimensions)
position = ((row * column count) * size of element) + (col * sizeof element)
So in this case your element size is 8 (thats the size of a double)
If it we an int32 thats 4 bytes and away you go