Are you going to XDC 2016?

I just registered for XDC this year in Houston - I’m pretty excited and really looking forward to seeing my fellow Xojo geeks later this year.

Are YOU coming?

Well at the moment I have PLENTY of time, since I was laid off in December,
but conversely because I was laid off in December, I dont’ have plenty of money. :frowning:

[quote=254592:@Kimball Larsen]I just registered for XDC this year in Houston - I’m pretty excited and really looking forward to seeing my fellow Xojo geeks later this year.

Are YOU coming?[/quote]

Looking forward for my first XDC :slight_smile:

I’ve certainly been there before. Here’s hoping things turn around for you!

After 10+ years working with RB/Xojo, I finally have a chance to go!

Thanks… been 3 months, almost 100 applications, hundreds of connections via LinkedIn and ZERO interviews or any response for that matter… and I have been in this business for 30+ years :frowning:

I’ll be there!


oh well … time to rethink attendance :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey Norman, just because I can’t make it, is no reason for you not to go… :smiley:

sorry, not in my budget but if things are coming as they come now, surely next year !

Yup, I’ll be there and looking forward to it!

I am glad you didn’t loose your sense of humour! I hope you get a new job soon!

I’ll be there… :slight_smile:

I’m signed up.

I’ll be there

You might consider attending the event Christian is putting on

Just booked the final piece of the jigsaw, flights, it was a long and wet walk there otherwise!

Looking forward to another fun filled geek week!