Hi there!
I have a strange behavior in XOJO, using more than 1024 Shell Classes connected to Linux. There is a limit found with ulimit -a. We changed that, but I was still not able to connect more than that. We wrote a little C++ Skript and we could open at least 1500 Shell Sockets there after. This led as to the conclusion that XOJO has some limitations.
Any Idea where the limit might be?
Thanx, Reini
yes, there is a maximum of the file descriptors.
maybe you use plugin and call:
SetMaximumOpenFileCountMacOSXMBS(Value as integer)
with a value like 10000?
Do you have something for Linux as well?
This function is for linux. (ignore the name as it was Mac first)
Could not get it going. I sent you a test project. May be you can figure that out.
Thx pal
I filled a feedback case with sample projects from Reinhard.
case 36538.