ArcShape demonstration project

I created (for sharing purposes), before Easter, a simple demo for the ArcShape (Object2D) Class. Then it falled in hades until I found it some days ago.

Remember: you may change the sliders values to fit your needs, but the project is for understanding purposes, not more. For most of the Properties, there is only a slider (no reported values). This is because of the number of Controls in the indow: they are too many, and once you know Err: see what you can do, a simple change in that property in your project gaves send you in the correct way.

The link is here:

Nota: I saw some erratic results either on OS X and Windows XP (stand alone) and here’s two images of them:

OS X image: what you can get with too few segments: an octogone !
Note the PushButton previous name (it was wrong: the PushButton displays the current settings).

For this one, I do not know why I get two times (two colors in reality) the border (Windows XP). Note that the PushButton is behind the dock, but works (if you press the Return key).
