Apps won't load in Sierra?

My development staff have not yet upgraded to Sierra and as luck would have it, a prospective user downloaded one of our demo’s and indicates that it will not even launch in Sierra. No message, just won’t launch.

We are still using El Cap and the 2016r3 version of XOJO.

Is there anything I should be looking at in our build process that needs to be modified for Sierra?

We do our own code signing through a terminal command.

By the way, if you want to download a demo in an effort to determine if there is a problem, here is a link to our downloads page with all the demos.

link text

Thanks ini advance. Don’t know what I’d do without this forum.

You should deploy using DMG’s on Sierra and you need to code sign the DMG files. There are some posts about it on this forum.

You should also put sierra on at least a VM. Parallels and VMWare will both do, but you must test.

I code sign the DMG in OS X Sierra and then installed it on OS X Sierra and the application file is quarantine. Should I be concerned with the fact that the app is quarantine and will this affect the speed with which the application will load the first time.

I found that adding the code sign on El Cap did not work so I had to code sign the DMG on Sierra. What a PIA.

Forgot to add that the app in the DMG was code sign in El Cap, not Sierra.

How are you code signing? We’ve not had an issue using AppWrapper.

I’m using a terminal command on a Mac installed with Sierra.

“codesign -f -s … developer ID … dmg_file”

spctl -a -t open --context context:primary-signature -v akpro.dmg akpro.dmg: rejected source=no usable signature
It looks like the the App itself is codesigned ok.

p.s. Took 15 minutes to download though. Maybe check with your host?

There are economies that end up costing. Especially time.

With AppWrapper and DMGCanvas I waste no time, and my DMG as well as executable are Sierra ready. I can move on to other more interesting and more profitable endeavours…

[quote=288745:@Michel Bujardet]There are economies that end up costing. Especially time.

With AppWrapper and DMGCanvas I waste no time, and my DMG as well as executable are Sierra ready. I can move on to other more interesting and more profitable endeavours…[/quote]

Oddly, we use DMG Canvas, but were not using the most current version. We will be now.

[quote=288745:@Michel Bujardet]There are economies that end up costing. Especially time.

With AppWrapper and DMGCanvas I waste no time, and my DMG as well as executable are Sierra ready. I can move on to other more interesting and more profitable endeavours…[/quote]

Must be your ISP throttling your downloads, because I downloaded it and it took less than a minute.

Sure, must be.

The latest version of DMGCanvas signs it.