Is there a way to appear a Button, Disclosure Triangle or anything with code, I Mean invoke that control and assign it coordinates?
Is there a way to appear a Button, Disclosure Triangle or anything with code, I Mean invoke that control and assign it coordinates?
Have a look at Section 2.16 in the User Interface User Guide.
Thanks Wayne, I gonna take a look
Hi wayne. I have a question.
I read the e-book and I see the webinar that talks about Dynamic Controls that said the Section 2.16.
I create any control that I want, So then for create as many objects as I want from code. I need to add it to a ControlSet.
then to probe it, I make this code on a push button:
Dim c As New DisclosureTriangle1
c.Left = 110
c.Top = 10
This is for create a new DisclosureTriangle and with Left and Top I set the coordinates in X and Y values for create the new object.
And it Works Flawlessly.
Now the issue becames When I try to make this code in the Paint Event of a canvas, for everytime when I redraw the canvas object I want to create a new DisclosureTriangle.
But Nothing happens.
What Am I doing wrong?
unless youre creating them in different position every time you probably have them right on top of each other
the paint even would be a bad place to do this though
you’ll get a paint event when your app is behind another app then revealed
you get them VERY frequently
if you ever refresh or invalidate the canvas you’ll get paint events