App loses AppleScript security on Mojave - again and again

My app uses AppleScript extensively. On Mojave I have implemented a nice warning that my app needs access to AppleScript in Security and Privacy. However, it constantly loses this access. I just got a mail from a customer again with this problem.

In the months working with Mojave I only had similar problems with the backup app Arq which lost access to the harddisk at least 3 times. One time it lost access to the keychain from one hour to the next.

But other apps don’t seem to be affected by such problems.

Is it possible that my helper apps could confuse the wonderful Mojave? I have 2 helper apps and one login item. All of them have the same bundle id. When checking other apps with helpers (Arq and Wunderlist) I see different bundle ids between main app and helper app.

I have several apps connecting with Photoshop and access remains enabled after days, once accepted it doesn’t seems to ask again, no user has reported intermitent warnings.

All are single apps and have a different bundle Id.

Thanks, Alejandro.

I think that the identical bundle ids are indeed the problem. I’ve been doing some tests in the last hours and almost everything works fine. Knock on wood.

Of course, my Python helper that needed the same bundle id as the main app is now back to crashing. Sigh…