Last week, there was some conversation about open source ListBox, etc. I experimented with the idea this weekend, and have decided to create a 100% Xojo (except for image resizing) ListBox implementation. Except, it will be better than the built-in. This SSG_ListBox will be part of the Studio Stable Graphics (SSG) product, and I will be releasing builds as I add major features. The first build is available tonight. Full source code is included. My customers have found this useful for debugging when things go badly and for learning how to build seemingly complicated things. The license allows you to use and modify the source for your projects, but not to share or sublicense the source code.
A video of the initial feature set is available on Youtube (watch full screen). My approach is to keep things familiar to users of Xojo’s built-in ListBox while extending or modifying things where it makes SSG_ListBox better. This release starts by getting these things right:
Cells, rows, columns, heading, scrolling.
Flexible backgrounds, including tiled graphics.
Row and column dividers.
Column and cell alignment.
Row, column, and cell tags.
Control border, with thickness and edge color settings.
I’ll add a really nice selection model, drag and drop, and hierarchical lists in the near future. I know that sometimes, getting the current ListBox to do the gymnastics we need can be awkward and difficult. So if your ideal ListBox has some particular requirements, you might want to purchase a license to SSG and bend my ear a little. SSG already has some cool graphics routines in the plugin and three useful canvas classes with full Xojo source. SSG_ListBox will be part of this product going forward. More on SSG here:
SSG is $69.95, and you get updates for the life of the product. You really want to jump on this now if you’re not already a licensee. Got questions? Ask them here.
Do you plan to have a demo with code instead of a video? Or at least an app that I can test? Also, the comments on your website in the “Recent comments” section look like spam.
Wow! Impressive. Why not consider it an separate product as I can think of many who are very interested in this listbox but do not need the functionality of your SSG suite, which focusses on graphics rather than things as this listbox?
Comment spam removed. Eeek. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll work a built demo app in the next few pre-releases.
Thanks. This uses the plugin for picture resizing and will use it for other features in SSG_ListBox as well. “Stand-alone” wouldn’t be less expensive. I like keeping the product line-up streamlined.
I opened that video crossing my fingers and when I saw that mention of pixel-based scrolling I had all I needed.
Is it fully compatible with the stock listbox (as much as makes sense, at least?). Since I’ll need to migrate quite a few of them it’d be nice to be able to do almost drop-in replacement.
[quote=25824:@Eduardo Gutierrez de Oliveira]Is it fully compatible with the stock listbox (as much as makes sense, at least?). Since I’ll need to migrate quite a few of them it’d be nice to be able to do almost drop-in replacement.
I think you’re going to find its usage “very familiar”. ListBox has a lot of distinct features. SSG_ListBox is diverging on each of these features a little bit. Add up all those little bits and “drop in replacement” might be a stretch, particularly on event sequences.