No sign of Android support yet?
Been a couple of years since we heard its in development and on its way but still nothing???
Still waiting… Zzzzzzz
No sign of Android support yet?
Been a couple of years since we heard its in development and on its way but still nothing???
Still waiting… Zzzzzzz
I bet they work hard to get something to show for XDC in May.
I am ready to bet a whole penny that Android support will come together with API 2.0.
This will be an ultimate update.
that about 100x more than I’d be willing to pony up
I am still waiting for them to come out with a viable iOS product (my opinion!)
Dave, the humor in my comment is that pennies no longer exist as coins in Canada. Pennies are only relevant in electronic transactions. Cash transactions are usually rounded to the nearest nickel (0.05 $), although any rounding is legally acceptable.
Penny for your thoughts
How lucky you are.
When we lost Franc (Mark, etc.), I was thinking Hey no more 9,99 kind of prices .
But I was wrong. The stupid guys didn’t vanishes when the Euro appears
yep they went from 0.99 francs to 0.99 euros !
[quote=414217:@Adrian Bailey]No sign of Android support yet?
Been a couple of years since we heard its in development and on its way but still nothing???
Still waiting… Zzzzzzz[/quote]
Back to the op question:
Are-you talking about a vaporware software ?
(Vaporware: a software that is not released - that do not exitss).
[quote=415183:@Emile Schwarz]Back to the op question:
Are-you talking about a vaporware software ? ;-)[/quote]
I do not read it like this…
I understand that, but no one who knows will give news, so
And a bitof humor is needed
[quote=415197:@Emile Schwarz]I understand that, but no one who knows will give news, so
And a bitof humor is needed ;)[/quote]
You did not visit the link i posted today, or?
it’s not vaporware as long as they work on it and release it someday.
It seems that I do not noticed it. Thank you for the reminder.
For once, there is an update. Thanks for that.
How many product(s) never saw the light for one reason or another ?
Did you heard about an Apple II with a built in hard disk (in 1993) ? I heard and this was never released and some people (outside of Apple) had a prototype in their hands.
Like Thomas (the one from 2,000 years ago), I will say it exists only after I will see it (Android compiler).
But, basically, I was a bit joking / a bit saying how vain it is to talk about it since like most of the Forum users, I never saw it.