Alex Restrepo's

Where i can download the Alex Restrepo’s

want to be more specific? He produced a lot of tools

More programs by Alex Restrepo

Maybe this link will have what your looking for. more classes with this link than his github account.

That’s useless adware crap with thousands of misleading links… maybe somewhere, by chance, one can find the actual download.

Excuse me, but this is filled with adware. You click a link with the class and click Download. It cannot be much easier or faster. If you find ads, I don’t see any or any misleading links. Then use Adblock Plus for Firefox or Chrome. You will not see any misleading links, at all.

Yeah, don’t worry. I know how to do it and I think the work of Alex is great.

At the same time, once in a while, I could simply blow all this overflooding, intrusive, omnipresent advertising scheissdreck up on Mars… ‘stimulus satiation’, you know.

i can not download from is file ext like .site so i can not open the file

All of Alex’s sources can be found in the Xojo Developer’s Library download found at including sources not found in the github. Avoid the download section since it contains original links to the sources which are no longer available…

some files have password

which files in particular?


If this is the class/modules developed by Derk Jochems (aka Swort), his code is protected (copyright perhaps now? not sure).

Since then, Real Studio has become Xojo, and in November/December 2012 included the WebControlWrapper Class to Web Applications, to make custom web controls easier to design. If you have the Xojo Developer’s Library, there is a template file in there showing you how to, in particular, add JQuery controls/methods to your web applications. If not, you can find my community template here:

You may use the code as you see fit in your applications, but cannot design classes based on such for public sale.

If you need help I can assist as well… (PM for such)


You’re Welcome.