AddSubview with "animation"


I’m using a a subview that I add on top of my current view to present some controls.

I can show and hide the subview nicely but I’d like to fade it in/out and maybe bluring the parent view.

Can I do that using AddSubview?


First you need to make the subview completely transparent, then add subview and finally animate Alpha
Note: UIKitLib is a constant referring to “uikit.framework” that is used in Jason King’s iOSKit.

//Before AddSubView
Declare Sub setAlphaValue Lib UIKitLib selector "setAlpha:" (id As ptr, value As CGFloat)
setAlphaValue ctrl.handle, 0.0

//Here your code to add subview

//Now animate
subview.AnimateAlpha(1.0, 0.3)

Then add a function in the subview:

Private Sub TransformAlphaBlock() declare sub setAlphaValue lib UIKitLib selector "setAlpha:" (id as ptr, value as CGFloat) setAlphaValue, TransformToAlpha End Sub

And a property TransformToAlpha as Double

And another function that is called to animate

[code]Public Sub Animatealpha(alpha As Double, duration as Double)

TransformToAlpha = alpha
Dim animations as new iOSBlock (AddressOf TransformAlphaBlock)

Declare sub animateWithDuration_ lib UIKitLib selector “animateWithDuration:animations:completion:” _
(id as ptr, duration as Double, animations as ptr, completion as ptr)

animateWithDuration_ self.Handle, duration, Animations.handle, nil

End Sub

How do you create a subview?

Dim cc as new iOSContainerControl

cc is a subview.


Dim vSubView as new JasonsView

JasonsView is a iOSVIew

A minor fix to one of the functions:

Changed -> self.handle

Private Sub TransformAlphaBlock() declare sub setAlphaValue lib UIKitLib selector "setAlpha:" (id as ptr, value as CGFloat) setAlphaValue self.handle, TransformToAlpha End Sub

Weirdly enough I get an exception when executing:

Declare sub animateWithDuration_ lib UIKitLib selector “animateWithDuration:animations:completion:”

I’ve tried other selectors but id does not help. This is the exception:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInvalidArgumentException’, reason: ‘-[XOJContainerControl animateWithDuration:animations:completion:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xc85c620’

Yes, you had to replace with self.handle


[code]Public Sub Animatealpha(alpha As Double, duration as Double)

TransformToAlpha = alpha
Dim animations as new iOSBlock (AddressOf TransformAlphaBlock)

Declare sub animateWithDuration_ lib UIKitLib selector “animateWithDuration:animations:completion:” _
(id as ptr, duration as Double, animations as ptr, completion as ptr)

animateWithDuration_ self.Handle, duration, Animations.handle, nil

End Sub

The above code had an error, this is the correct code:

[code]Public Sub Animatealpha(alpha As Double, duration as Double)

TransformToAlpha = alpha
Dim animations as new iOSBlock (AddressOf TransformAlphaBlock)

Declare sub animateWithDuration_ lib UIKitLib selector “animateWithDuration:animations:completion:” _
(id as ptr, duration as Double, animations as ptr, completion as ptr)

Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib “Foundation” (clsName As CFStringRef) As ptr
Dim classPtr as ptr = NSClassFromString(“UIView”)

animateWithDuration_ classPtr, duration, Animations.handle, nil

End Sub



Perfect, Thank you so much!

It is not easy with the declares, well sometime it is, but I’m learning slowly more and more thanks to you and other nice people.