Adding RegEx matches to multiple column listbox

Thanks to @Kem Tekinay , I have successfully added the data I need from my RegEx match to a TextField.
Ultimately, I need the data to go into an 8-column listbox.
Currently my code is:

//Regex stuff
Dim rg as New RegEx
Dim myMatch as RegExMatch

myMatch = rg.Search(s) //searches the returned shell string

//display results in listbox
if myMatch <> nil then
end if
loop until myMatch is Nil[/code]

This adds each entry as a new row obviously. How do I get each entry in 1 row, and its own column?

Start with lb.AddRow( “” ), then keep a counter for the column. After each match, increment the column counter and use lb.Cell( 0, col ) to set the value of that column.

do if myMatch <> nil then lstBoxImages.AddRow(myMatch.SubExpressionString(1)) myMatch=rg.Search colCount = colCount + 1 lstBoxImages.Cell(0, colCount) end if loop until myMatch is Nil
Like this?
It’s throwing an error saying there is more than one item with this name…Referring to: lstBoxImages.Cell(0, colCount)

lstBoxImages.AddRow ""

dim col as integer = -1

while myMatch <> nil
  col = col + 1
  lstBoxImages.Cell( 0, col ) = myMatch.SubExpressionString(1)

[quote=424758:@Kem Tekinay][code]
lstBoxImages.AddRow “”

dim col as integer = -1

while myMatch <> nil
col = col + 1
lstBoxImages.Cell( 0, col ) = myMatch.SubExpressionString(1)
oh ok. How come col is set to -1?

I like to increment it first, but you could start it at zero and increment it after.

Got it. Thanks for your help again!!